Source code for

from typing import Union
from .utils import as_bytes
from .internal import ListNode

[docs]class ChannelSubscription: """ A ChannelSubscription ties a on_message callback to zero or more Redis Pub/Sub channels. Use :func:`~redismpx.Multiplexer.new_channel_subscription` to create a new ChannelSubscription. Usage example: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python # When created, a ChannelSubscription is empty. channel_sub = mpx.new_channel_subcription( my_on_message, my_on_disconnect, None) # You can then add more channels to the subscription. channel_sub.add("hello-world") channel_sub.add("banana") # and remove them channel_sub.remove("banana") """ def __init__(self, multiplexer, on_message, on_disconnect, on_activation): self.channels = {} self.mpx = multiplexer self.on_message = on_message self.on_disconnect = on_disconnect self.on_activation = on_activation self.closed = False self.subNode = ListNode(on_disconnect=self.on_disconnect) self.mpx.subscriptions.prepend(self.subNode)
[docs] def add(self, channel: Union[str, bytes]) -> None: """ Adds a new Pub/Sub channel to the subscription. :param channel: a Redis Pub/Sub channel """ if self.closed: raise Exception("tried to use a closed ChannelSubscription") channel = as_bytes(channel) if channel in self.channels: return fn_box = ListNode(on_message=self.on_message, on_activation=self.on_activation) self.channels[channel] = fn_box self.mpx._add_channel(channel, fn_box)
[docs] def remove(self, channel: Union[str, bytes]) -> None: """ Removes a Redis Pub/Sub channel from the subscription. :param channel: a Redis Pub/Sub channel """ if self.closed: raise Exception("tried to use a closed ChannelSubscription") channel = as_bytes(channel) if channel not in self.channels: return fn_box = self.channels.pop(channel) self.mpx._remove_channel(channel, fn_box)
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Removes all channels from the subscription""" if self.closed: raise Exception("tried to use a closed ChannelSubscription") for k in self.channels: fn_box = self.channels[k] self.mpx._remove_channel(ch, fn_box) self.channels = {}
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Closes the subscription.""" if self.closed: raise Exception("tried to use a closed ChannelSubscription") self.clear() self.subNode.remove_from_list() self.closed = True