Source code for redismpx.promise

import asyncio
from typing import Union, Awaitable
from .utils import as_bytes, SubscriptionIsClosed
from .internal import List, ListNode

[docs]class InactiveSubscription(Exception): pass
[docs]class PromiseSubscription: """ A PromiseSubscription allows you to wait for individual Redis Pub/Sub messages with support for timeouts. This effectively creates a networked promise system. It makes use of a PatternSubscription internally to make creating new promises as lightweight as possible (no subscribe/unsubscribe command is sent to Redis to fullfill or expire a Promise). Consider always calling :func:`~redismpx.PromiseSubscription.wait_for_activation` after creating a new PromiseSubscription. Use :func:`~redismpx.Multiplexer.new_promise_subscription` to create a new PromiseSubscription. Usage example: .. highlight:: python .. code-block:: python # This subscription will allow you to produce promises # under the `hello-` prefix. promise_sub = mpx.new_promise_subscription("hello-") # Wait for the subscription to become active. await promise_sub.wait_for_activation() # Create a promise with a timeout of 10s. p = promise_sub.new_promise("world", 10) # Publish a message in Redis Pub/Sub using redis-cli # > PUBLISH hello-world "success!" # Obtain the result. print(await p) # prints "success!" """ def __init__(self, multiplexer, prefix): self.channels = {} self.multiplexer = multiplexer self.prefix = as_bytes(prefix) = asyncio.Event() self.closed = False self.pat_sub = multiplexer.new_pattern_subscription( self.prefix + b'*', self.on_message, self.on_disconnect, self.on_activation)
[docs] def new_promise(self, suffix: Union[str, bytes], timeout: Union[int, float, None]) -> Awaitable[bytes]: """ Creates a new Promise for the given suffix. The suffix gets composed with the prefix specified when creating the PromiseSubscription to create the final Redis Pub/Sub channel name. The underlying PatternSubscription will receive all messages sent under the given prefix, thus ensuring that new promises get into effect as soon as this method returns. Trying to create a new Promise while the PromiseSubscription is not active will cause this method to throw :class:`~redismpx.InactiveSubscription`. A promise that expires will throw a `asyncio.TimeoutError`. :param suffix: the suffix that will be appended to the subscription's prefix :param timeout: a timeout for the promise expressed in seconds :return: The message received from Pub/Sub. """ if self.closed: raise Exception("tried to use a closed PromiseSubscription") if not raise InactiveSubscription("the subscription is inactive") suffix = as_bytes(suffix) channel = self.prefix + suffix if channel not in self.channels: self.channels[channel] = List(None) loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() fut = loop.create_future() = channel node = ListNode(fut=fut) fut.node = node fut.add_done_callback(self._cleanup) self.channels[channel].prepend(node) return asyncio.wait_for(fut, timeout)
[docs] async def wait_for_activation(self) -> Awaitable[None]: """ Blocks until the subscription becomes active. Closing the subscription will cause this method to throw :class:`~redismpx.SubscriptionIsClosed`. """ await if self.closed: raise SubscriptionIsClosed("tried to use a closed PromiseSubscription")
[docs] async def wait_for_new_promise(self, prefix: Union[str, bytes]) -> Awaitable[bytes]: """ Like :func:`~redismpx.PromiseSubscription.new_promise` but waits for the subscription to become active instead of throwing :class:`~redismpx.InactiveSubscription`. Closing the subscription will cause this method to throw :class:`~redismpx.SubscriptionIsClosed`. """ while True: await if self.closed: raise SubscriptionIsClosed("tried to use a closed PromiseSubscription") try: return self.new_promise(prefix) except: pass
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Cancels all outstanding promises""" if self.closed: raise SubscriptionIsClosed("tried to use a closed PromiseSubscription") for ch in self.channels: for node in self.channels[ch]: node.fut.cancel() del self.channels[ch]
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Closes the subscription and cancels all outstanding promises.""" if self.closed: raise SubscriptionIsClosed("tried to use a closed PromiseSubscription") self.clear() self.closed = True self.pat_sub.close()
def on_disconnect(self, error): if not self.closed: for ch in self.channels: for node in self.channels[ch]: node.fut.cancel() del self.channels[ch] def on_activation(self, pattern): async def on_message(self, channel, message): if channel in self.channels: for node in self.channels[channel]: node.fut.set_result(message) del self.channels[channel] def _cleanup(self, fut): try: fut.exception() except: print(self.channels[]._head is fut.node) if fut.node.remove_from_list().is_empty(): del self.channels[]